Çoğu dine göre, zina suçtur. Cümle ve Videolar ile zenginleştirilmiş içerik. Etimoloji, Eş ve Zıt anlamlar, kelime okunuşları ve günün kelimesi. Yazım Türkçeleştirici ile hatalı Türkçe metinleri düzeltme. Sesli Sözlük garantisinde Profesyonel çeviri hizmetleri. İngilizce kelime haznenizi arttıracak kelime oyunları. Ayarlar bölümünü kullarak çevirisini görmek istediğiniz sözlükleri seçme ve aynı zamanda sözlüklerin gösterim sırasını ayarlama imkanı. Kelimelerin seslendirilişini otomatik dinlemek için ayarlardan isteğiniz aksanı seçebilirsiniz. Search Translation Games Programs. English - Turkish. Definition of adultery in English Turkish dictionary zina Çoğu dine göre, zina suçtur. Zina No Sex Marriage Divorce Grounds boşanma nedeniydi. English - English. She is going to divorce him on the grounds of adultery. Sexual relations between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse. Prohibitions against adultery are found in virtually every society; Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions all condemn it, and in some Islamic countries it is still punishable by death. Attitudes toward adultery in different cultures have varied widely. Under the Code of Hammurabi 18th century BC in Babylonia it was punishable by death by drowning, and in ancient Rome an offending woman could be killed, though men were not severely punished. In western Europe and North America, adultery by either spouse is a ground for divorce, though in the U. Turkish - English. Hyphenation a·dul·te·ry. Synonyms affaircarrying oncheatingextracurricular activityflingfornicationhanky-pankyimmoralityinfidelitymatineeplaying aroundrelationshipthingtwo-timing. Antonyms faithfulness. Latin adulterium adulter, substituted for the older form of advoutry, q. Resimler Google Resimler. Bing Resimler. About Us. Contact us.
The act of adultery of any one of the spouses is a cause for a divorce case. Adultery The act of adultery of any one of the spouses is a cause for a divorce case. Divorce is one of the possibilities of ending a valid marital relationship according to Turkish Civil Code. Under the Code of Hammurabi 18th century BC in Babylonia it was punishable by death by drowning, and in ancient Rome an offending woman could be killed, though men were not severely punished. Beni Hatırla.
Turkish pronunciation
Considering that the setting up of machinery to protect persons against sex discrimination is an important means of furthering equality between men and women;. extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations; "adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce": Injury; degradation. However, this provision refers to Family Law in all matters relating to marriage and divorce. 21 The purpose of the contractual component is to provide a legal framework for legitimizing marital relations without affecting the spirit and purposes of. grounds of sexual orientation, or any other personal status.Divorce is one of the possibilities of ending a valid marital relationship according to Turkish Civil Code. Mental Illness Disorder If any of the spouses has been suffered from a mental illness which makes the joint life unbearable for the other one, a divorce case can be filed with the condition of obtaining a medical report by an official health board declaring there is no cure. For instance, when the reason of divorce based on homosexuality, the court enacted that the right of custody cannot be given to the mother who had homosexual intercourse. This is the most common and widley used legal reason for divorce cases in Turkey. In western Europe and North America, adultery by either spouse is a ground for divorce, though in the U. Same rules are applied as above regarding the time limit and pardon. Vasi Atanması Ve Vesayet Davası. Also, according to article 40, there are transsexual real persons who have not undergone gender reassignment surgery, and this makes complicated the determination of the opposite sex. Bilgiyi kontrol etmek isteyen doğru ve yanlış cevaplı sorular dizisi. The adultery and living dishonorably are two different specific grounds of the divorce, in the Turkish divorce system. In the event of any divorce case based on any legal reason was rejected by the court , and 3 years passed following the finalized verdict, and a joint life could not be restored in anyway, conjugal community is deemed deterierated and upon request by any of the spouses a divorce decision shall be given. Serbest Yazı. According to the objective historical interpretation method, homosexual relationships are excluded from the scope of adultery. Abstract The adultery and living dishonorably are two different specific grounds of the divorce, in the Turkish divorce system. Attitudes toward adultery in different cultures have varied widely. Vesayet Nedir? An abandoned spouse has the right to file a divorce case against the spouse who abandoned the home in order to avoid of his or her obligations arosen from conjugal community ie. Edition, İstanbul, Filiz. Dishonourable way of life, such as earning live with degraded methods like begging or prostituting is also a legal reason for the divorce demand by the other spouse. İçerik Oluştur. Abandoned spouse must sent this above mentioned written notice which includes the time limit and the possible consequences filing for divorce in that case and wait for at least 2 months following the reciept of notice in order to file a case. The distinction between adultery and living dishonorably has caused many problems about the equality of LGBT individuals. Therefore adultery can be clarified as one of the spouses has sexual intercourse with a member of the opposite sex knowingly and intentionally during the union of marriage. English - English. Only if both parties agreed on those rearrangements a divorce can be decided. This gap can be filled with judicial discretion and the methods of interpretation [4]. The interpretation gap in the act of adultery should be interpreted according to queer theory with the other interpretation methods. Resimler Google Resimler. The grounds of divorce are regulated by the Turkish Civil Code No. Both to prevent these problems and to develop a more equitable jurisprudence, the fact that a union of marriage which consists of a man and a woman can end because of the sexual intercourse between the same sexes, should be accepted. Contact us. The problem is that the claimer should prove which gender of the third person, like biological sex or sexual identity that the third person internalized and reflected on society. Bir format seç. Ayarlar bölümünü kullarak çevirisini görmek istediğiniz sözlükleri seçme ve aynı zamanda sözlüklerin gösterim sırasını ayarlama imkanı. Deteriaration Of Conjugal Community This is the most common and widley used legal reason for divorce cases in Turkey.