The effect of computer technology, especially with the development of the internet, on sexual abuse against children has become more evident. For this reason, the threats we experience in daily life have also started to take place in the virtual environment with their own versions. While the digital world is a very harmful environment even for adults, it has now become a serious threat to children. In this study, the definition, risk factors, characteristics, process, protection and prevention methods of cybergrooming which is an area of violence in the digital environment will be discussed. Cyber grooming means communicating with a child, virtually or in real life, over the internet for the purpose of sexually abusing them. Therefore, as the style of cyber-butlerization often reflects the personality and behavioral pattern of both the abuser and the victim, the duration and intensity of this process varies considerably. Thus, by its very nature, cyber grooming involves a form of manipulation. As a result, the inclusion of the concept of cyber grooming in the Turkish Criminal Code in our country will make it possible to criminalize the preparatory actions that will potentially lead to the sexual abuse of children, and children will be protected from all kinds of sexual abuse. EN TR. About Us. The Bulletin of Legal Medicine ;28 3 DOI: Sunay Fırat. No information available. Received Date: References 1 Kierkegaard S. Cybering, Online Grooming and Ageplay. Web 3. The Bulletin of Legal Medicine. Effects of a brief preventive intervention in cyberbullying and grooming in adolescents. Psychosoc Interv. J Interpers How To Become An Escort Legally. Detecting online grooming at its earliest stages: Development and validation of the Online Grooming Risk Scale. Mediterr J Clin Psychol. Viktimoloji, Ankara, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Aggress Violent Behav. Çocuğun sanal cinsel istismarı. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi. Soc Leg. J Sex Aggress. Span J Psychol. J Educ Psychol. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık, Tüm How To Become An Escort Legally Çocuk İstismarı Genişletilmiş ve Gözden Geçirilmiş 4. Seçkin Akademik ve Mesleki Yayınlar, Ankara Risks and Safety on the Internet. Perspective of European Children. Full findings and policy implications from EU Kids Online survey of year olds and their parents in 25 countries. Risk factors for being a victim of online grooming in adolescents. J Broadcast. Sexual exploitation of children and youth over the internet: A rapid review of the scientific literature. Alberta, Canada: Institute of Health Economics,
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