Saketa offers different support models to meet the customer needs and better assist with any questions on the products purchased. All products are by default supported by the basic support program as a part of the product purchase and will get the support on bug fixes. Basic Support: This will be an online support through emails, chat or saketa forums, that will provide a customer assistance with questions and any bug fixes reported. Premium Support: This is an annual premium support program to help customers with any configurations or questions by the technical experts with a turn-around time of about hours on a business day to provide efficient assistance or technical advice on any enhancements or customizations needed to suit the product to your Organized Team Support Sex needs. There will be support on phone available, free upgrades for the next versions and free trial invitations for the upcoming products. Customizations and Enhancements: Saketa has a team of technical experts that can advise a customer on the customizations and enhancement needs and implement it in a cost effective and efficient way. Please feel free to reach out to our customer specialists at support saketa. They will work out the best options and help you have the best experience with saketa and its product line. Skip to content. We are here to support you.
A free discussion environment is provided for both students and staff within the university. Latest Update In Turkey, the general principle of equality regulated in the Article No. The State has the obligation to ensure that this equality exists in practice. Ensuring appointment and promotion processes by considering the equality of women and men according to knowledge and experience, Applying positive discrimination by approaching disadvantaged individuals and groups with a sense of institutional and social responsibility,.
Who is SPoD?
This Note argues that although all sexual favoritism in the workplace is harmful and should be regulated, the EEOC's Policy Guidance on. With the right and appropriate technical operations, we provide individualized treatments performed as soon as possible by the best experts in the country. Men and women are two words that describe whether an individual is biologically female or male, as well as whether she or he fits into the society's role. SU Gender organizes an international webinar series focusing on sexual harassment, gender-based violence, diversity and inclusion inside and outside the.Ensuring that university joint elective courses are opened in study programs. Monitoring the use of care and parental leave by creating a Gender Equality Database. Youth Advisory Centre Services. To prevent smoking, alcohol etc addictions and help those who are addicted to their treatment,. Our university attaches importance to providing gender-based equality of opportunity in scientific research and development processes, administrative studies and academic fields. Conducting risk analyzes to determine the services to be provided to protect the bio-psycho-social and mental health of newly enrolled students,. Since the beginning of the Syria and Iraqi crises, Turkiye has become host to over 3 million refugees, migrants and asylum seekers which led to an increasing demand for health services. It creates support groups, holds advocacy meetings, and carries out monitoring and reporting activities. Ensuring a gender equality balance in academic and administrative units and decision-making mechanisms. Retrieved Sentence added on May 7, ; Act No. To provide students with information about the university, the program and the social life at the university through orientation programs to be organized,. Besides a "procedural justice" oriented approach is adopted, acting with a sense of institutional and social responsibility towards disadvantaged individuals and groups. DDD is not in a position to respond to every applicant individually due to the anticipated high number of applications. Wikidata item. Providing services by taking the necessary measures for the protection of individual rights and freedoms at the university. To provide psycho-education and consultancy services to ensure that academic and administrative staff adapt to the university and increase their academic success. To provide consultancy services to students about reproductive and sexual health,. In these meetings, where the creation of safe spaces is essential, the association determines and announces a topic every week, and shares experiences, feelings and thoughts around this topic with the participants face to face every Sunday at PM. Providing necessary incentives to support studies projects, articles, research on Gender Equality and Perspective. Psychological Support [ edit ]. To determine the risks affecting the mental health of students, the needs, services and activities needed to protect their mental health,. DDD is the 16th member of the Doctors of the World International Network that is committed to meeting the health needs of vulnerable people globally. NB: considering the purpose and values of the organisation, DDD requests to its employee complete flexibility in term of duties and commitment, as their job description and job title can be adjusted throughout the year according to needs and priorities. Define, monitor and update the medical content of the DDD country policy, medical and health strategy, annual plan and budget Translate the identified health needs into a medical strategic vision and project objectives, priorities and resources needed to meet the medical and humanitarian needs of the population at risk; ensure the achievement of objectives and goals Developing SoPs and tools related to programme activities and staff support in the field Being responsible for reviewing and supporting other resources pharmacy and medical equipment management in collaboration with logistics department and timelines, procedures and protocols. External Communication Maintain strategic relations with health cluster partners, UN agencies and other medical NGOs and organizations, through meetings, training, workshops, etc. Making institutional arrangements sensitive to work-life balance. Establishing information data networks on gender equality and receiving support from relevant units in this scope, 7. Forming educational program content that will create a gender equality perspective, Organizing seminar programs on the Gender Perspective for the academic, administrative and auxiliary services units of the university,. Considering the gender equality perspective in the research activities of the project teams, research groups, laboratories and workshops, 8. To give conferences and seminars to students on topics such as communication, problem solving and to conduct psycho-education in small groups,. Implementation of positive discrimination practices such as quotas in favor of underrepresented women in management and decision-making mechanisms. To prevent addictive habits such as smoking, alcohol and substance use, and behavioral addiction,. Our organization collaborates with partners and key stakeholders to implement projects that facilitate access to primary and secondary-level healthcare services to respond to the medical needs of displaced population. Archived from the original on 19 January Raising gender awareness in activities organized jointly with student clubs or held during courses.