To browse Academia. With the historical transitions that have continued until the existence of the human beings, the relationship and the information exchange between people have increased. This increase has not merely been among the borders of the people of the same nation and culture; but the concepts such as nations and interculturality have been the current issues. These movements contributed to the improvement of the languages. So linguistics, which is a discipline that has made progress from antiquity to our age, has started to split up to some sub branches and has started to be studied by different disciplines. During this period of time, sentence was said to be the basic linguistic unit and all the Sahibinden clio kütahya eskort studies were carried out in this way. However, text linguistic approach emerged in the 20th century clarified that it is necessary to study an upper structure, text, other than sentence and within this context, text was started to be studied as the basic linguistic unit in all linguistic studies. In the introduction of the study, before reaching to the term text linguistics, as a way of making it understandable, it has been found acceptable to describe the term text, and then passing to text linguistics inductively. Within this passing period, the terms text grammar and discourse analysis, which have involved in linguistic studies and have been confused with text analysis studies from time to time, will be explained. Moreover, some different perspectives of text linguistics, the text linguistic studies in the world and in Turkey and the relationship between text linguistics and other disciplines will be involved in this study. The main aim of text linguistics, the criteria Sahibinden clio kütahya eskort for the description of the texts and the structure of the texts, will be handled. In the main part of the study, that is, the focus point of this text, the general features of the short story will be put forth and the microstructure cohesionmacrostructure coherence and superstructure analyses will be done and textual features will be used for a general evaluation. One of the results of the study is that the theme of the text can be found in all the items of the text. The microstructure of the text is said to be cohesive with the fluent use of cohesive devices. Regarding the macrostructure of the text, the text is made coherent by using textual features. Keywords: Text linguistics, textual features, cohesion, coherence. Scientific Reports of Bukhara State University, The article deals with the problems of linguistic textual studies in Uzbekistan, its development and ways of solving the ongoing research work. The scientific article provides information Sahibinden clio kütahya eskort the work of scholars on Uzbek language synthesis. The article aims to build the knowledge, skills and competencies of researchers and masters conducting research. Uzbek linguists, following World and Russian linguistics in the field of text linguistics, are entering a new scientific stage Sahibinden clio kütahya eskort linguistics and text linguistics. Scientific potential is being created in the linguistics of the text. In the field of text study, special attention is paid to filling the minds of young people with new knowledge. The analysis of these results is the most important and urgent task before the article. Review of scientific works. Scientific observation and analysis methods were used in the preparation of the article. As well as the scientific results of world and Russian linguistics were compare Discourse analysis is done through the micro structural and the practice of discourse approach. The presences of grammatical and lexical cohesion build up the short story into a cohesive and coherent. While from the lexical aspect, it has reps anaphora and reps tautotes, synonyms of words and phrases with free morpheme synonym bound, antonyms type compound and opposition relations, collocation, hyponymy, and equivalency. The resul This thesis is concerned with the cohesive devices in English and Russian literary texts and their functioning across these two languages. The aіm of this study іs to analyze the functioning and frequency of cohesіve devіces іn Englіsh and Russіan lіterary texts on the basis of mixed-method approache to the data. To achieve the aim, formal and functіonal characterіstіcs of the analyzed cohesіve devіces іn a lіterary text іn Englіsh and іts translation іnto Russіan were presented; the results of the frequency and functioning of the found items of cohesive devices were analysed; and the investigated cohesive devices were compared in terms of their distribution and functioning in both languages. The research demonstrated that the most widely used cohesive devices are lexical. It also showed that differences of items of reference are caused by the different grammatical structures of the researched languages. The Russian language allows the omission of personal pronouns in the subject position and more often employs lexical repetition. As a result, it was proved that cohesive devices exhibit differences in their patterning across these two languages, therefore, the further studies are required to determine the influence of the type of the language on the choice of cohesive devices.
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