Potamia was always a mixed village. Although the Turkish Cypriot population of the village fluctuated in the last decades of the British period, eventually it increased steadily, comparatively better than their Greek Cypriot neighbors. The number of those who were displaced was approximately as there were Turkish Cypriot inhabitants in Many went back to the village in Richard Patrick recorded Turkish Cypriots who were staying in Potamia in According to Patrick, the government claimed to have spent over 4, pounds on the repair of 45 Turkish Find Escort North Cyprus houses that were destroyed or damaged after the flight of Potamia Turkish Cypriots in Inmost of the Turkish Cypriots who went back and settled in Potamia in fled the village to the north. There are also many Potamia Turkish Cypriots living in Nicosia However, there were three or four elderly Turkish Cypriots and a couple of Turkish Cypriot families who remained in the southern part of the divide aftersome choosing to stay in the village while others moved to the capital city of Nicosia. According to Goodwin, there were still 20 Turkish Cypriots living in the village in Click Here for Map Potamia is a large village located in the northeast of the Nicosia district in the government- controlled areas, two kilometers west of Dali on the Gialias river, close to the Green Line separating it from north Cyprus. The name Potamia derives from the Greek word for river potami. Since the Ottoman period, it has been inhabited by both Greek and Turkish Cypriots. AfterPotamia had to accommodate many displaced Greek Cypriots who had Find Escort North Cyprus the north. Most of the empty Turkish houses were allocated for the use of these displaced Greek Cypriots. The last census of puts the total population of the village at London: Colonial Office. Department of Statitstics and Research,
Clinic Director. He is married with 2 sons. He has still been offering service in Gynecologic diseases, infertility and in vitro fertilization treatments together with his team under his own centre Dogus Hospital which he founded in Şevket Alptürk or fill out the contact form in the contact section. Biography for Mert Mapolar , CHt. Who does the baby from egg donation treatment look like?
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