Arefe günü bütün aksilikler bizi bulduğunda,yanlış yollara girdiğimizde,saçma sapan şeyler olduğunda yolumuzun bizi bu şeker şeye götürdüğünü bilmiyor,"vardır bundada bi hayır"diyordum Merter Ulusoy tesislerinin önünde bir bez parçasının içine sığınmış açlıktan ve üşümekten ölmek üzereyken bulduk kendisini. Hemen büfeden süt alıp karnını doyurdum,soğukta kaldığı için kapanan iltahap akan gözlerini temizledim,daha guvenlı biryere bırakıp eve döndüm. Derken feci bir yağmur bastırdı,aklım ondaydı tabiiki Ordaydı : aldım eve getirdim,temizledim,doyurdum,sardım sıcacık oldu Tek ayağının üzerine basamıyor sanırım bi kaza geçirmiş. Yalnız isim bulamadık,önerilerinizi ve iyileşmesi için dualarınızı bekliyor ablaları abileri :D Bu arada o küçük bir beyefendi :. In time, they Ankara Escort Ahsen Instigram a reputation for their delicious halva and desserts. Due to their neighborhood, they came to be known as the halva store in Koska and later they officially registered this name as their brand. At the factory built in in Topkapı, they started manufacturing Turkish delight, preserves and nougat as well as halva. Inbrothers Mümtaz and Nevzat Dindar separated from their younger brothers and moved to the modern facilities they built in Merter, deciding to continue operations in this location. Still managed by the fourth generation, Koska continues manufacturing in its new facilities on the Avcılar-Ambarlı Junction stretching over 11 thousand square meters, with 22 thousand square meters of indoor space. He is in a bag He used to be left homeless He was quite anxious and when I put him down on ground he ran so fast and directionless. He may remeber the feeling of beling left. I have to seize him and caress him to calm him down. He is serious sick now. It's my unforgiven mistake that I didn't take him to complete dose of vaccine. If you used to explore my photstream you will many of his lovely photos I took. As if he was born for me. I found him on the beach on this new year. He was so little, smaller than my palm and he was so so hungry. He ran to me and rubbed his head on my legs. During my decisive moment, I walked away, he ran after me and didn't let me go. I asked people there to check whether he has his mother too. They said he was left alone, no mother. Ankara Escort Ahsen Instigram decided to take him home. My Japanese friends who were together at that moments gave him this name:Sanshiro" the name of Japanese Hero He was a momerance of me and my friends. Driving back home, he tried to get out of bag so many times so I quit to stop him. He just wanted to sleep on my lap during I was driving. Since then he never be far from me. During weekday he sends me and wait for me at the front gate when I am out and back from work. During weekend, he stay with me almost all the times. At night he waits for me, by sleeping on the printer or infront of my monitor. When I go to bed, he runs upstair to sleep at first asround my feet but when I wake up I often finds him sleep on my pillow or back to back with me. He suck milk from my dog. Its amazing that my dog really has milk for him. He is beloved by all including two dogs and 3 cats. He is so cheerful and like to wander around. I can see him nearby almost every moment. He is not farer than 2 merters from me.
Dolanan Anak by anwar siak. Al Jazeera has just published a harrowing documentary on the countless horrific Israeli war crimes in Gaza that you all should see in full: Al Jazeera: Investigating War Crimes in Gaza Publ. Judgement Time by aarsbog. President Biden is furious and anguished at Israeli leadership. Escort Ankara hizmetlerinin hareketli dünyasında, kendinize zaman ayırmak kesinlikle bir lüks değil, bir zorunluluktur. I can see him nearby almost every moment.
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